1 Qs. What is the Value of each variable in each line of code ;
Line-by-Line Variable Values
Line of Code | num Value | neWNum Value | Explanation |
let num = 5; | 5 | - | num is initialized with 5 . |
let neWNum = num++; | 6 | 5 | neWNum gets the value 5 ; num increments to 6 . |
neWNum = ++num; | 7 | 7 | num increments to 7 ; neWNum gets 7 . |
Complete Code with Final Output
javascriptCopy codelet num = 5; // num = 5
let neWNum = num++; // neWNum = 5, num = 6
neWNum = ++num; // neWNum = 7, num = 7
console.log(num); // Output: 7
console.log(neWNum); // Output: 7
Key Takeaways
Post-Increment (
): The variable's current value is used first, and then the value is incremented.Pre-Increment (
): The variable's value is incremented first, and then the updated value is used.Increment operators can significantly impact the flow of variable assignments in JavaScript. Understanding their behavior is crucial for debugging and writing efficient code.
Additional Tip
To avoid confusion when using pre- and post-increment operators in complex expressions, break down the logic into smaller steps or use comments to make your intentions clear.
For example:
javascriptCopy code// Post-Increment: Assign first, then increment
let result = num++;
// Equivalent:
let result = num;
num = num + 1;