Data Types in JavaScript

Data Types in JavaScript

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that supports multiple data types. These data types are essential for storing and manipulating different kinds of information in your code.

Primitive Data Types

JavaScript has seven primitive data types:

  1. Number

  2. Boolean

  3. String

  4. Undefined

  5. Null

  6. BigInt

  7. Symbol

Each of these types serves a specific purpose in programming.

The typeof Operator

The typeof operator in JavaScript helps identify the data type of a variable or value. It is a useful tool for debugging and understanding how data is being stored and used.


console.log(typeof variableName);

Example 1:

// Assigning the integer 23 to the variable 'age'
let age = 23;
// Output: 23

// Checking the type of the variable 'age'
console.log(typeof age); // Output: "number"

// Assigning the string "Tony Stark" to the variable 'name'
let name = "Tony Stark";

// Output: "Tony Stark"

// Checking the type of the variable 'name'
console.log(typeof name); // Output: "string"

Example 2:

// Assigning the integer 23 to the variable 'age'
let age = 23;
// Output: 23

// Checking the type of the variable 'age'
console.log(typeof age); // Output: "number"

// Assigning the string "Tony Stark" to the variable 'name'
let name = "Tony Stark";

// Output: "Tony Stark"

// Checking the type of the variable 'name'
console.log(typeof name); // Output: "string"

Real-World Examples

Numbers in JavaScript

Let’s consider the followers, following, and posts count on an Instagram profile:

  • Example:

    • 167 posts


    • 4 following

In JavaScript, these numbers can be represented as a Number data type. If you were building a website, you could store these counts in variables:

let posts = 167;

let followers = 305000;

let following = 4;

console.log(typeof posts); // Output: "number"

Text in JavaScript

Now, consider a profile description or bio on Instagram. This is a text-based field, which is stored as a String:

  • Example Description:

    • "Traveler | Foodie | Blogger"

In JavaScript:

let bio = "Traveler | Foodie | Blogger";

console.log(typeof bio); // Output: "string"

Boolean in JavaScript

The follow button on Instagram reflects whether you are following someone or not. This state can be represented using a Boolean data type:

  • Examples:

    • true if you follow the user

    • false if you don’t follow the user

In JavaScript:

let isFollowing = true;

console.log(typeof isFollowing); // Output: "boolean"


  • Numbers represent counts or quantities (e.g., posts, followers).

  • Strings are used for textual information (e.g., profile descriptions).

  • Booleans handle binary states (e.g., true or false for following status).

Understanding data types is crucial for writing efficient and error-free JavaScript code. Whether it’s debugging with typeof or defining the right type for your variables, mastering these concepts will make your programming journey smoother!